[2020]Mexico Working Holiday to New Zealand, What you should do next?

on 3.19, our all clients get the slot for Mexico working holiday visa, which is very hard to get, limit 200 each year.
So after you guys get the slot, next question we want to ask will be:
What should I do next?
So check your email inbox, or your spam, you should already receive 2 emails from immigration office unitl now.
The first one will be like this:
And the attachment will be like this;
This email just state that you should do the medical examination, and how you should do it. It is pretty old fashions with clear instruction.
Then you will receive another email like this:
This is the new version of the instruction. you can just ignore the one above, and follow the instruction here.
The email will be like this: mexico working holiday
So the next thing to do is:
Finish the health exanination with 15 days in the listed clinics.
And then the officer will process your application. If you can not finish this in 15 days, then contact workingholiday@mbie.govt.nz now, they will give you the extension.
And after that, just wait for the result, originally, the decision will be made in 2 weeks, however due to the coronavirus outbreak, it may will delay.
Where to do the health examination?
All you need to do is the x-ray check.
And you must do it in an approved clinic: here is the link to find the approved clinc in Mexico:
You can also do it in other countries or New Zealand, just need to do it with the approved panel.
After you done that, they will update your information with immigration office. Then all you need to do is to wait for the result.
Stay safe and wish you good luck.
If you have any questions, you can contact us via email: whvstore@gmail.com